LOGOS West Midlands CIC is dedicated to becoming a pivotal force in the development and implementation of community and enterprise-based projects within the Handsworth ward and the wider West Midlands region. Our mission is to provide community-driven solutions in education, mentoring, and support for children, young people, and the elderly.

Guided by strong Christian principles, we aim to be a value-driven and reputable organization. Our commitment to these principles shapes our operations as an enabling, empowering, and socially conscious entity that understands its social and moral responsibilities.

We strive to offer educational and social solutions that help individuals achieve their learning and developmental goals. Recognizing that education encompasses various domains such as arts, culture, and personal advancement, we are dedicated to fostering holistic growth.

Mission Statement

  • Launch a tutoring service by 2020.
  • Host the Sons of Issachar Men’s Empowerment Annual Conference.
  • Develop internet-based IT and Hi-Tech business services.
  • Provide suitable rental accommodations accessible to low-income households.
  • Collaborate with like-minded CICs and social enterprises to deliver educational and mentoring packages to children and young people.
  • Identify a financial partner for managing and operating a Credit Union.
  • Establish a health & social care business capable of competing for local authority and NHS contracts, particularly for our older community members.

Why We Do What We Do

We believe in the principle that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential, though we recognize that not all starting points are equal. This belief has led to the creation of LOGOS. Our long-term plans begin with our Virtual Education Programme (VEP) to ensure we can effectively measure and monitor our impact.

Who Benefits

Our programs serve all children, particularly focusing on black children who historically underperform compared to their peers due to systemic biases and an unrepresentative curriculum. We aim to address these disparities by fostering a healthy self-image and academic excellence.

Our Social Mission

We believe that everyone has something valuable to contribute to society. Often, people just need a bit of help at the right time. Social enterprise, according to our CEO Gilbert R Pomell, involves taking timely, impactful actions for the benefit of others by adopting sustainable business models.

Our Motto: “Ideas that Create Brighter Futures”

Ideas have the power to transform lives, change perspectives, and inspire new beginnings. At LOGOS West Midlands CIC, we are committed to supporting those transformative ideas and helping individuals become the change they wish to see.

Join us in our mission to create brighter futures through education and community support.